|Second-hand Amiga By BullyBeef It may be a year since the liquidation, but the demand for Amiga's is still as great as ever,as I discovered when I decided that my home had been Amiga-less for too long,in the old days it was easy, you went into a shop, handed over a wad,and walked out with your purchase,altern- atively, you could telephone your credit card details to any number of mail order merchants, and receive a big brown box within a couple of days. Sadly, neither option is available now,the only way of getting ya hands on one is through the small ads, luckily,there was dozens listed in the publication I bought, I knew what I wanted - a bog-standard A1200, yes i would have loved a A4000, of course, but lets be serious, most of the A1200's I had circled had extras - accelerator cards, printers, hard- drives, scanners and so on, none of which I wanted - nor did my budget allow it, unfortunately, none of the advertisers were prepared to split their systems. The remaining A1200's were, I thought, outrageously expensive, (nothing under two hundred and fifty quid) when you consider that a brand-new, complete with on-site warranty, machine could be picked up for less than three hundred a few months ago, the solitary two hundred and fifty quid machine led me to phone up, then a recorded message told me to phone another number which was engaged-permanently, sod that I thuoght. An A600,complete with colour monitor and serious software,caught my eye at two hundred and seventy, so off I went to inspect it, what a disap- pointment? the ultra low-res monitor (sans sound) had been liberated from a amstrad CPC, and the `serious software' amounted to a disk box full of copies, by this time I had used five hours of my time, boosted BT's profits quite considerably, and had travelled a fair distance, so i explained to the elderly person that I just wanted the machine, power supply unit, and the mouse; how much? the twat wouldn't let it go for a penny less than one hundred and fifty quid - only forty nine quid less than it's last selling price, as a pack - and he was convinced he'd get it, if not of me then someone else. Returning to the telephone, I redialled some of the A1200 ads - several had been sold - aah? panic? then I suddenly remembered the two hundred and fifty quid one, I redialled, and joy of joys, got through, I made arrangements to be waiting on their doorstep, when they returned from their day's labours, with the cash, which is what I did, and no I did not even try to haggle, as I lugged out my purchase, they received two more telephone calls from hopeful buyers, boy, did I feel smug and very pleased with myself, the Amiga dead? hah? try buying one, pal.